but you can still get the replay

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This two hour masterclass is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their LinkedIn following, get a LinkedIn Live sponsored & generate passive income.

In just six months, I have generated over $10k in livestream sponsorships alone. I don't know anyone talking about this for LinkedIn so I thought “Why Not Me?”. If you're looking to break up with Instagram and grow on LinkedIn instead, this is the class for you.



STRATEGY - Whether you’re a content creator or business owner, you can partner with brands to generate passive income with your livestream content. Before we hop into the tech, I want to walk you through how I craft my livestreams to be appealing to brands, how I find compelling guests, and how I structure the live itself to increase live attendance and replays.


SYSTEMS - Once the strategy portion is out of the way, we need to talk tech. I will share exactly what tech tools I’m using so you can duplicate my workflow and simplify production. Templates will be provided so no worries :)


SALES - Finally we have to talk about how to get brands to pay. I’ll share more info about how I structure my livestream partnerships including what I charge and how I bill for it. There are also simple inbound and outbound strategies you can implement to help you secure partnerships and payments quickly and I will show you the way. This is HANDS DOWN my favorite section to share because these strategies are exactly what I did to scale from being a solo creator to a team of 6. It’s possible and I’ll provide that roadmap so you can do the same.



Consider this my first “done with you” LinkedIn offer ❤


Two hour masterclass with 5-minute visual breaks in-between session topics


Discounts on tech tools to help implement the strategies right away. Save ya coins sis ;)


Access to the EXACT templates I use to execute this strategy plus my slidedeck at no additional charge.

Ready to catch your LinkedIn coins? 

Now 25% off! Just $72.75

Purchase today and you'll get instant access to the class recording, workbook & slides :)

Now 25% off! Just $72.75

tech educator & youtube coach

LaShonda Brown

My husband and I own a video production company and I have 10+ years experience as a Corporate Film Producer on top of my 15+ years as a professional actress with two Bachelor's degrees in Theatre Arts Performance and Production. My channel currently has over 29k subscribers and 2M+ views. I am also a Canva Verified Expert & Flodesk University Instructor. I teach what I know and you can see my strategies implemented in real time. I am an open book and I encourage you to ask away on our session calls to learn how I went from a burnt out service provider to thriving full-time content creator. When you know how to leverage tech & YouTube, you can DO LESS manually & LIVE a MORE FULFILLING life. #WorkLessLiveMore